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2008.08.31. 13:48 Jack Skellington

Napi Vándor - 2008. augusztus 31.

Spiegel: OSCE observers fault Georgians in conflict

YP gyűjtése

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European observers have faulted Georgia in this month's Caucasus conflict, saying it made elaborate plans to seize South Ossetia, dpa reported, refering to the German news magazine Der Spiegel on Saturday.

In a report to appear in its Monday edition, it said officials of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) had said acts by the Georgian government had contributed to the outbreak of the crisis with Russia.

Spiegel said OSCE military observers in the Caucasus had described preparations by Georgia to move into South Ossetia.

The onslaught had begun before Russian armoured vehicles entered a southbound tunnel under the Caucasus Mountains to South Ossetia.

It said the OSCE report also described suspected war crimes by the Georgians, including the Georgians ordering attacks on sleeping South Ossetian civilians.


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