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Spanyolország az első ország amely Európában intézkedéseket hozott az energiaválsággal kapcsolatban.
- csökkentették a megengedett maximális sebességet az utakon
- visszavettek a fűtésből és a légkondiból a közintézményekben
- 50%-kal csökkentették az éjszakai kivilágítást
- kiosztottak 50 millió energiatakarékos izzót
Legalább van egy követhető példa az EU-ban, előbb-utóbb mindenki rákényszerül majd az ilyen intézkedésekre.
Oroszország gáz és olajtermelése
A hírlevélben külön szekció foglalkozik Oroszországgal. Az ASPO szerint Oroszország túl van a másodlagos olajkitermelési csúcson. A legfrissebb hírek igazolják ezt, tavalyhoz képest a kitermelés 1%-kal esett. Az export ennél többet. Az ASPO modellje 2030-ra 50%-kal alacsonyabb olajtermelést mutat a jelenlegi szintnél. Gáztermelésben a csúcstermelés időpontja 2020, a jelenleginél kb. 10%-kal magasabb szinten. Oroszországnak saját szükségleteire még bőven van energiája legalább 2 évtizedig. Ugyanakkor a kieső európai gáztermelés jóval nagyobb lesz 2020-ig mint az orosz növekmény. Az olajról inkább ne is beszéljünk.
Putyin válaszlépést helyezett kilátásba, mert a NATO túl sok hajót küldött a Fekete tengerre. Oroszország avval vádolja az Egyesült Államokat, hogy az fegyvereket szállított Grúziának humanitárius segély helyett. A cikk arról is ír, hogy az EU gyakorlatilag nem tett semmilyen megtorló intézkedést Oroszország irányába a grúz helyzet miatt. A britek és a lengyelek akartak keménykedni, de leszavazták őket.
Több mint 100 országot sújtanak áramkimaradások. A cikk szerint ez nagyobb probléma lehet mint a Peak Oil. Erről van egy klassz weboldal is, interaktív térképpel: Energiahiány.
A Gusztáv hurrikán partot ért és mostanra már nem hurrikán. Előzetes becslések szerint a teljes Mexikói öböl termelésének 40%-a esik ki 30 napra a hurrikán miatt. A konkrét kárfelmérés csak mostanában kezdődik, erről majd lesz egy külön cikk.
Eközben az Atlanti óceánon újra három "neves" vihar tart nyugatra: Hannah, Ike és Josephine. A hurrikán szezon november végéig tart, legintenzívebb hónapjai a szeptember és az október. 2005-ben a Rita és a Katrina hurrikánok tönkrevágták nemcsak New Orleans-t, hanem az olajtermelés felét is. Még nincs vége az idei show-nak.
YP gyűjtése
Russian Oil Output Fell in August, Continuing Decline
Sept. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Russia's oil production declined in August as companies struggled with costs and maturing fields, bringing the world's second-largest crude exporter closer to its first annual drop in output since 1998.Production fell to 9.82 million barrels of crude a day (41.5 million metric tons a month), 0.9 percent less than a year earlier, according to figures released by the Energy Ministry's CDU-TEK unit.``We probably won't get more oil produced this year than last year,'' Artyom Konchin, an oil and gas analyst at UniCredit SpA, said by phone in Moscow.
Putin vows 'an answer' to NATO ships
He said Russia's reaction to NATO ships "will be calm, without any sort of hysteria. But of course, there will be an answer," Interfax quoted Putin as saying during a visit to Uzbekistan.
Asked by exactly what measures Russia would take, Putin was quoted as answering "You'll see."
Putin reminds EU of Russia's Pacific oil pipeline
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Sunday that Russia's first oil pipeline to Asia must be completed without delay, underlining Russia's energy clout just hours before European Union leaders meet to discuss Georgia.Russian state-owned news agency RIA said Putin had signed a government order "on speeding the building of phases of the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean (pipeline) and not allowing delays," while on a visit to the Far East.
China to charge $6 a barrel to develop Iraq field
BAGHDAD (AFP) - Iraq on Tuesday cleared a plan to develop an oil field by China Petroleum National Corp. at a service fee of six dollars a barrel, giving Beijing a foothold into the world's third largest oil reserves.Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani said the cabinet had approved the three-billion-dollar deal that will see China's state-owned company developing the Al-Ahdab oil field in the central Shiite province of Wasit.He said the plan is to be produce 25,000 barrels of oil per day in the first three years.An Iraqi oil ministry official last month told AFP that the oil field would become fully operational in three years' time and is likely to produce oil for 20 years after that.
A Growing Global Power Crisis Looks to be Greater Economic and Political Danger Than Oil
How many stories have you seen about high oil and gasoline prices? Now how many have you seen about global electricity shortages?Lost in all the attention oil is receiving, reports from around the world indicate that 100 or more countries may be suffering, many acutely, from shortages of electricity. Given who is in trouble, both the economic and the political danger of this growing global power crisis are starting to look greater than oil’s. China and India, two of the biggest engines of economic growth, look to be in serious trouble. Pakistan and Afghanistan, hotbeds of terrorism, are routinely plunged into darkness. South Africa’s mining industry is vexed. Even some countries that can afford high oil prices don’t have sufficient electricity to run refineries.Given that forecasters such as the International Energy Agency expect that the world is going to need to roughly double its electrical generating capacity by 2030, the fact that parts of the world are today critically short of power suggests that it may already be too late to fix the world’s power crisis. At best, its advocates say, energy efficiency is capable of reducing that global demand for additional power by about 50%. Even if developed at record pace, renewable power facilities could probably contribute only a small percentage of what’s needed by 2030, its backers freely admit. Thus thousands of traditional power plants must be built, a process that could take several decades, especially if nuclear power is in the mix
'Big Dry' turns farms into deserts
In the once-lush fields of South Australia, on land that borders the state's world famous Lower Lakes, farmer Nigel Treloar rounds up the herd with the help of his off-road motorbike.It is one of the few things that has got easier as a result of Australia's worst drought in 100 years.That is because he used to have 800 cows and now he only milks 250. There is not enough irrigation water from the nearby lakes to sustain a bigger herd.
'Environmental collapse'
The Lower Lakes lie at the end of the Murray-Darling basin, and are world famous for their ecosystem, with their long-neck turtles and pelicans. The area was popularised by the 1970s film, Storm Boy, and supports the world's largest breeding colony of Australian Pelicans. But for how much longer?I managed to walk out to an island in Lake Albert where the pelicans have been breeding for centuries. Now their nests lie deserted, because there is no water left to protect them - and foxes are on the prowl.In recent years, the number of farms in the area has dropped from 55 to just 10.
Brazil: Deforestation rises sharply as farmers push into Amazon
Concerns over the destruction of the Brazilian rainforest resurfaced at the weekend after it emerged that deforestation jumped by 64% over the last 12 months, according to official government data.Brazil's National Institute for Space Research this week said that around 3,145 square miles - an area half the size of Wales - were razed between August 2007 and August 2008.With commodity prices hitting recent highs and loggers and soy farmers pushing ever further into the Amazon jungle, satellite images captured by a real-time monitoring system, known in Brazil as Deter, showed that deforestation was once again on the rise after three years on the wane.
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